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Being an Animal Communicator

Dec 2023 - Albums 3_edited_edited_edited

I’ve always loved taking pictures and scrapbooking, so when the field of photo-scrapbooking started to become popular in the 1990’s, I jumped on board. I became a consultant for a major scrapbooking company, which meant selling the products and teaching others about the importance of preserving and storing your photos in a safe manner. In reality, I also wanted to be able to purchase their products at a discounted price to support my habit!


I love to photograph animals and nature, so it’s not surprising that I had accumulated a fair amount of pictures in those categories. And most of my animal pictures were those of the many cats (and a few horses!) that I had shared my life with over the years.


Back in the day when we used film in our cameras, and there was no digital photography, I took pictures thoughtfully and meticulously, hoping that when I developed the film, I would have some good results. I always printed out my pictures, and you couldn’t delete the bad ones like you can on your cell phones or digital cameras today.


I creatively arranged my photos in scrapbook photo albums, often telling fun stories about my animals and our adventures together. The advantage of scrapbooking is that you can write directly on the pages, and tell the stories while they are fresh in your mind.


The creative part is totally optional. Preserving the photos in a safe manner is most important. I repeatedly removed fading photos that had been stored in albums that were destroying them, such as the ones with magnetic plastic sheets placed directly on the photos. Then I placed them in photo safe albums.


While I loved doing these projects, and the creativity involved, the importance of what I was doing didn’t come to the forefront of my mind until fairly recently.


I started to count all the cats I had lost over my lifetime, and the number exceeded 25. I had loved each one so much, and they were all important to me. As I looked through my photos and my scrapbook albums, I was grateful that I had taken time to take pictures of each one of them, and that I had tangible reminders of our lives together.


I also have several framed photos of them on my walls throughout the house, including some in collages where I can display multiple pictures. Like most of us, I also take digital photos, and store them by category in my phone’s gallery. Some of these are the pictures I send to get developed, that I will later use in a scrapbook album or a picture frame.


Essentially, without realizing it, I had commemorated my fur babies, just as I had done so with my human family and extended family members!


Without exception, watching every one of my animals decline and eventually pass away was excruciating, and it became difficult to remember who the animal was in the prime of their life.


I could easily get stuck in their end-of-life scenarios, and forget their incredible personalities, funny quirks, and beautiful features. These pictures re-connect me with their essences, and the favorite things we did together.


In one of my scrapbook albums, I wrote letters to the animals after they had passed away. I recounted stories of the way we met, or a fun story about our adventures together. This has helped in the grieving process also, and in time, the memories become less painful.


My animals were an integral part of my daily life for years and years, and I don’t ever want to forget them. In many cases, they lived with me longer than some of my human family members.


Commemorating them is important to me. There are many ways to do it. You don’t have to be a scrapbooker like me! The important thing is to have a tangible way to remember them.


If you’re not doing some form of commemoration yet, it’s never too late, and I hope it will enrich your life as much as it has mine. You’ll be glad you did!


Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Commemorating a Fur Baby


"The important thing is to have a tangible way to remember them."

Dec 2023 - Albums 5_edited_edited.jpg

Dec 6, 2023

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Being an Animal Communicator


A Communication WOW Story


"Sometimes an animal just needs to get a load off their shoulders."

Aug 1, 2023

Luna blew my socks off! I knew that communicating directly with an animal was an important part of the healing work that I do, but every now and then a client crosses my path that reinforces this in a profound way.


Luna, a beautiful 12-year-old black lab mix, was such a client. Her new human, Sarah, is a volunteer dog walker at a local dog rescue. She was drawn to Luna, who had apparent health issues, and had been surrendered by her owners just a week earlier. She decided to bring her home as a foster to try and help her.


Within just a few days of her arrival, Luna began to have accidents in the house, and although she knew how to use the doggie door to go outside, she seemed unable to control herself and was urinating inside.


Sarah contacted me to help her with this behavior issue, as they were at a desperation point, and if the behavior continued, they would have to return her to the shelter.


I always start my new client relationships with Communication, and then if warranted, use EFT Tapping or Scalar Wave Energy Healing, or both, to target more specific issues. 


I ask the humans a series of questions about the animal, and ask them to give me a list of questions or things they would like to find out, or specific information they would like me to convey to the animal. In the case of an older adopted animal, I ask if they have any information about their background.


When we had our appointment, I communicated with Luna remotely with just a picture. I asked her several things, such as what will help her adjust, does she like massages, riding in the car, treats, and baths, etc. And of course, I asked about the peeing issue.


What I learned made total sense. She was shellshocked and had lost her bearings. She was confused about what was going on in her life, and didn’t know what to expect next. All the changes in her life, and removal from all that was familiar to her, caused so much stress her so much that she felt disoriented and seemed to have very little control over her bladder.


I relayed to Luna everything Sarah had told me to ask/tell her, and then conveyed to Sarah what Luna expressed back to me. Sarah started implementing some of the things that Luna liked immediately, like giving her a blanket to lie on and a soft ball to carry around. Luna was also specific about what areas of her body she liked to have rubbed, and what areas were sensitive. This was very helpful to Sarah.



When I do a Communication session, I also include a medical intuition body scan, to see if there are any areas of the body that particularly stand out as needing closer attention.


This time with Luna, I felt intuitively drawn to do something I always do during a Scalar Wave session, but don’t normally do during Communication, and that is to check the seven chakras (one of the energy systems of the body, which can be perceived as colors, and spinning discs in shape, over seven areas of the body). I check with a pendulum to see if the energy is moving correctly and in the right direction, or if it is stagnant.


In this case, the only chakra spinning the way it was supposed to, was the 7th, at the crown of her head. All the others were totally off, or “out of whack,” as I like to say.


We set up two Energy Healing appointments, first for a Scalar Wave session two days later, and then an EFT Tapping session later in the week. They also had made an appointment at the vet to address her other health issues.


The day immediately after the Communication, Sarah contacted me and reported that Luna had not had any accidents in the house since then. She seemed calmer and more relaxed.


Two days later, before I started the Scalar Wave session, Sarah again reported that she still hadn’t had any accidents!  Then I checked her chakras and ALL SEVEN were spinning properly!


This was the most dramatic change in behavior I had seen happen as the result of just a communication session alone. I focused on some other medical issues during the Scalar Wave, and we canceled the EFT Tapping appointment, as we determined it wasn’t needed, since the behavior problem no longer existed.


Sometimes an animal just needs to get a load off their shoulders, like we do when we need someone to confide in. The very act of just letting it out can make all the difference for them.


If you have a situation with an animal that you would like help with, please reach out to me! Or maybe you would just like to check in with your animal to find out more of what they would or would not like, and what you could do to make them more comfortable.


I’m so excited for Luna, and the care she is now getting, and I’m hoping to hear from Sarah that this is a foster failure…Yes, I love a happy ending!


Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Being an Animal Communicator

The Baby Rabbit

"What if this is the only love they will ever know?"

April 26, 2023

Cats love to hunt. No dispute there. Over the years, I’ve witnessed many escapades from my feline companions, sometimes with unusual gifts appearing by the foot of my bed, or on the kitchen floor. The most unique gift was a bat that Fuji brought in about 15 years ago. There have also been  birds, mice, moles, chipmunks, and snakes – yes, snakes!

I try to rescue everything that comes into the house, whether captured by the cats, or of their own mistakes. I have some stories of successful rescues, and others where the ending didn’t turn out so well for the victim.

I want to share the story of the little rabbit that captured my heart the Saturday after Easter, just a few weeks ago.

That night I’d had a terrible night’s sleep, waking up multiple times to use the bathroom, followed by a very disturbing dream after which I couldn’t fall back asleep.

At exactly 5:50am, I heard the familiar cat door off the utility room open, but there was a screeching sound of a “critter.” I couldn’t tell exactly what it was, so I listened for more information as I bolted out of bed, put my robe on, grabbed my glasses, and turned the lights on.

My two young boys, Simon and Max had become proficient hunters, just doing what cats do. I didn’t hear the special growling noise that Simon makes when he catches something, so I reasoned that it must be Max.

Sure enough, when I turned the corner in my basement bedroom to see what he had brought in, I saw a very young baby rabbit dangling from Max’s mouth, flapping his hind legs furiously trying to escape.

First, I opened my bedroom door that leads to the lower patio, and unsuccessfully tried to get him to walk out with the rabbit. Then  I tried my command, “Drop it” that of course never works for my cats, but I continue to try anyway. 

Max instead got nervous as I raised my voice, and ran upstairs with the baby rabbit still in his mouth. I followed him into the dining room where he finally did drop it.

The rabbit was still alive, but I wasn’t sure how much damage had been done. I’d seen animals go into shock, acting as if they were dead, only later to find they had escaped, flown away, and wandered off to safety - like they had been playing possum.

I grabbed the nearest kitchen towel I could find, covered the rabbit (I never touch wildlife directly when I pick them up) and gently carried him outside, laying him down in the towel on some soft leaves behind my backyard chain link fence.

He was still alive, and I let him rest gently, petting him softly and encouraging him, telling him he was safe and loved. I also apologized for my cats. I left him in hopes that the injury wasn’t fatal, and that he’d have the courage and strength to get away. I had to leave the house for a couple hours, but would check on him again as soon as I got back.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and when I arrived back home, I immediately ran to the back fence to see if there was any change. He was still there. I petted him, and his body was still warm. But at that very instant, it felt like he was leaving his body and crossing the Rainbow Bridge. His body temperature started to drop almost immediately, and I knew he was gone. Did I just imagine this? Was his body really still warm?

I was sad and puzzled at the same time, so I reached out to my good friend Amy, another Animal Communicator, and asked if she could try and connect with the rabbit to find out more information.

When I am very emotionally involved in a situation regarding an animal, particularly my own, I sometimes like to reach out for help, not wanting my prejudices or filters to get in the way of the information I receive. I have learned how to practice detached compassion, which is how I’m able to handle many of the situations that come my way, but there are occasions when I still need help.

This is what Amy told me she got when she connected with the little rabbit who had now crossed over:

“He told me his home was destroyed and he had nowhere to go. His mother and a sibling had been killed. There was mud and tree branches. He had no shelter and he was all alone. He was grateful for your kindness and compassion. In an odd way, he was also grateful for the cat bringing him to you. He got to spend the end of his life in a place where he felt safe and cared for. He did wait for you to come back before he left his body.”

That message brought incredible joy to my heart, amidst the tears and sadness of his death. To know that I had made a difference in the life of this small creature was an incredible gift to me. In a very short amount of time, my life had changed.

The interaction between the rabbit and myself was brief, painful, and yet beautiful at the same time. This was a wild animal, and even though we didn’t know each other, that small act of kindness made a huge difference to him, such that he waited for me to be with him when he passed. In hindsight, I felt as if he was thanking me.

It’s now been two weeks since that baby rabbit passed. This morning at 5:00am, I awoke to that familiar sound of the cat door opening, followed by Simon's growling noise, which translated means “I caught something, and it’s mine. Everybody stay away!”

I heard movement across the floor of my bedroom, but no squealing or painful moans. I didn’t get up right away, as the sounds came and went. I presumed the situation was under control, and that everyone had left the room.

When I finally did get out of bed, it was quiet, but I noticed that Max was staring in the direction of my laundry basket, towards a wall. I continued with my routine of opening curtains, turning the lights on, etc, when it dawned on me, Why is he staring over there? Oh no…

I cautiously walked over to that corner of the wall, afraid of what I might find, and looked into my laundry basket, but didn’t see anything – dead or alive. Then I moved the basket towards me, and right in front of my eyes, crouched in the corner like a statue, was another small rabbit, about the same size as the one who didn’t make it. This one was fully alive. I’ve been given another chance!

I grabbed a towel, and scooped him up into my hands, holding him firmly enough so he couldn’t escape. Quickly bringing him outside, I released him over the fence into the neighbor’s back yard, where he darted away faster than any rabbit I’ve ever seen!

I wondered if that first baby rabbit had somehow helped this one from the other side? I probably will never know the answer that question, but I was grateful that this story had a happy ending, at least for the rabbit. I think my cats are still downstairs looking for it.

I can’t save every animal, but I can try to love every one that I come in contact with, even for a short while, like these baby rabbits, and make a difference for them.

Maybe it’s the only love they will ever know.

Isn’t that what it’s really all about?

Please reach out to me if you have any questions – or if you would like to book a communication session with an animal that's still with you, or that has already passed.

I love my work!

Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Being an Animal Communicator

My Journey to Energy Healing

"If I had an addiction, it would be to healing..."

April 11, 2023

Most of you know that my professional title reads both Animal Communicator and Energy Healer. When I began this journey, the idea of talking directly with animals was the drawing card ( Dr Doolittle - that's me!), but learning to work with energy to help bring about healing to both animals and humans has taken me far into depths that I could never have imagined. 

In my heart, I'd always wanted to be a healer, but in terms of traditional Western medicine, I'd never had any aptitude, or desire - it's not my cup of tea, so to speak.

I have a special needs daughter who spent four of her first five years of life in an orphanage in Russia, with very little nutrition or neurological stimulation. Nothing medically seemed to work with her when we began our journey together in the US back in 1998. 

Through various circumstances, we were introduced to "alternative medicine" and different healing modalities. These were the ONLY things that worked for my daughter to help straighten out her digestive track, strengthen her immune system, and get her nervous system back in whack.

I began using these healing modalities on myself as well, and had the same results! I became a firm believer in "alternative medicine," which for me is normal, and now better termed a "holistic approach" to my health.

Things like chiropractic, acupuncture and acupressure, NET (Neuro Emotional Treatment), deep tissue massage to rid my body of toxins, myofascial release, cranio-sacral therapy, applied kinesiology, EFT Tapping, muscle testing, etc. have been a regular part of my life for over 25 years. I read food labels all the time, am usually very careful with what I eat, and do my best to eat only foods that support my health. OK, I confess there is an occasional bite of chocolate...

Like many others, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! And I'm happy to say that I'm in probably the best health that I've  ever been in my life!

I'm grateful for the use of Western Medicine when I've had infections, trying not to overuse antibiotics, which can be a challenge. And when I had a subdural hematoma many years ago after a fall off my horse, I'm eternally grateful to the surgeon that drained blood from my brain to save my life.

But maintaining my health on an ongoing basis has been the result of these alternative modalities. I use them particularly when "nothing is wrong" according to medical tests and blood work, yet I don't feel well.

We use the term energy all the time, like "I don't have enough energy to do this," or "I've got so much energy I need to go work it off." I have learned about Energy Medicine by building upon my skills a little at a time. I feel like I’ve only begun to learn, as there is always more! 

 After reading a book called “The Secret Life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, I became aware that all of life has an energetic life force surrounding it. I’ve become familiar with terms like “auras” around the body.

Then I learned about chakras and meridians – terms used in Chinese Medicine for two of the energetic systems that run through the body.

 Emotional Freedom Technique, referred to as Tapping, employs acupressure points which are along these meridians, or energetic pathways through the body, which are connected to organs, which are linked to emotions.

I experienced first-hand the positive results of these modalities on my daughter and myself, and consequently it was easy to convince me they could work for animals, too.

Thus when I witnessed miraculous results of EFT Tapping on a dog at my first Animal Communication seminar with Joan Ranquet over four years ago, I was all in! I immediately enrolled in Joan's school, Communication With All Life University (CWALU), in the Animal Mastery Program at  and wanted to learn EVERYTHING!

I suppose if I had an addiction, it would be to healing. I can’t get enough -either for myself or for helping others.

While EFT Tapping targets gaining emotional freedom from stuck emotions, the Scalar Wave targets physical healing, although emotional healing often comes as well. This is the other modality that I've learned.  Our bodies are systems, and I've found that it’s more effective to treat it that way, rather than just treat a symptom.

I’ve experienced that healing and dis-ease take place at the energetic level before they enter the physical body. In other words, if you can correct things at an energetic level before they reach the physical, you may have prevented a dis-ease. 

At the same time, if you can correct something at an energetic level AFTER the dis-ease has entered the body, then the physical body can begin to change and heal itself.

So really, I’m not the healer! The body wants to heal itself. I’m just the facilitator. I experience a huge amount of joy when I'm able to do this for my clients.

A Scalar Wave Energy Healing session lasts 30-45 minutes, and I’m able to do all the work remotely as well as in person, as energy is not bound by time or space. I often prefer to do it remotely, as it requires much intense concentration, without distraction. 

The realization that Energy is not bound by time or space, is a concept I began to understand after I was introduced to the world of energy through plants in The Secret Life of Plants book.

To me, it’s like I’m my own wireless network, and I tap into other wireless networks to be the facilitator for the healing!

Learning the techniques of these modalities was just the beginning. The other crucial part of being an energy healer is using intuition. Without the use of intuition, it's all for naught.

Along with learning the modalities, I've had to re-learn how to use this superpower – something I had shut off most of my adult life. In my mid-thirties, I started allowing “logic” to overrule my intuitive senses, not understanding what an “empath” or “highly sensitive person” was. I can now proudly say that I am both of those!

I won’t delve into this part of my rediscovering journey, as that's a story for another day.

It’s been a long process discovering how to allow both sides of my brain -logic and intuition- to work together and bring balance into my life. As the result, I'm more at peace within myself, have a passion for what I do, and finally fulfilling my life's mission and purpose.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions – including questions about CWALU- or if you would like to book a communication or energy healing session for your animal. 

I love my work!

Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Being an Animal Communicator

Potty Talk

What's the scoop?

February 2, 2023

I never gave litter boxes much thought until I moved to Japan in 1990, while stationed in the Air Force.

Growing up, we had one box in our cellar – the term we used to call our “underground room.” My dad used it for his work shop, along with hunting and fishing equipment, but it was always cold and damp, unlike the finished basements I’ve grown accustomed to know as an adult.

We kept the little box in the cellar of our house on Wellington Street, and considered it just a transition box. Our various cats used it as their emergency box until they learned to do their business outside. When they were fully “potty trained,” the box in the cellar disappeared, and they no longer used it. The outdoor, natural environment was quite sufficient -with the exception of the giant sandbox my brother Dave and I used to play in. We had to either cover the box, or stop playing in it!

During my lifetime, there seems to have been a strange evolutionary development of cats, in that they have graduated to using indoor facilities (aka the Litter Box) as their preferred means of bathroom fun. I’ve even witnessed some of my cats intentionally come inside the house to use the box, and immediately go back outside to play or sleep. I have no doubt that soon they will fully embrace the porcelain throne itself.

This shift to “indoor plumbing” has generated a whole new field of marketing opportunities, along with umpteen questions from cat owners: Just how many litter boxes should I have? What kind of litter should I use? What size boxes? How do I dispose of the litter? Where in my house should I put my litter box(es)? Why do I need to use litter boxes anyway? Can’t they just relieve themselves outside? And why are they coming INSIDE to use the box? What if my cat refuses to use the box? WHY CAN’T THEY JUST LEARN TO USE THE TOILET?

I, too, have succumbed to these questions. For some, it’s obviously a necessity to have a litter box available for their cats 24/7. Many feline companions are exclusively indoors-definitely a trend that was not that common when I was growing up 50 years ago. For urban dwellers, this sometimes isn’t an option. For many who live in less crowded environments, there are still dangers, like street traffic, or wildlife, and for good reasons, owners choose to keep their cats inside.

Except for a brief stretch of time when I lived in Virginia Beach with Big Boy and Little Boy, who for safety reasons were kept almost exclusively indoors, I’ve always lived in environments where my cats could spend time both indoors and outdoors.

I chose houses in quiet neighborhoods with virtually no traffic, like at the end of a cul de sac or dead-end street. In fact, my cats’ safety is always my first concern when choosing a house. That’s just the way it is – no discussion.

In 1990, when I arrived in Japan with Big Boy and Little Boy, I put their box in a small alcove where the washer and dryer were situated, next to my Japanese bathroom with the heated toilet. I liked to keep the “bathroom themed items” together!

There was no such thing as clumping cat litter – only litter that collected the daily cat specimens, that be changed at least weekly. The smell was annoying, no matter what pretty scent the label disguised it to be.

By 1993, when Pretty Girl and Spunky joined the family, the greatest invention since sliced bread came on the scene: Clumping Cat Litter. Hallelujah! There is a God! And even better, it was available to purchase at the Commissary on base, where we did our shopping. Sometimes overseas stores were the last to get stocked with the latest, greatest products.

This new litter formed a clump with whatever moisture showed up in the box, and absorbed the odor. All you had to do was scoop it out with a specialty slotted plastic litter scooper, dispose of it in a trash bag (which we kept next to the box) and voila: no more dirty litter box, and no more foul cat odors!

What an improvement – Wow! It was now safe to add as many cats as we could to the family. Well, that’s not the reason my cat family exploded from two to eight, but it sure made life easier to manage that many felines.

For the next 25 years, with a continuous stream of eight to ten cats in the house at one time, I successfully navigated life with only one litter box in the house, at least 95% of the time. Some of my cats lived exclusively indoors, and some lived both indoors/outdoors.

In recent years, I’ve read articles that give advice on how many boxes you should keep in your house, based on the number of cats that you have. I don’t think these articles were written by cat owners, but rather by marketing agencies for the companies that make both litter boxes and litter. They really make me laugh hysterically, as most of them suggest, strongly and confidently, that you should keep one more box than the number of cats you have. I could just picture myself with anywhere from nine to eleven litter boxes in the house. Not in this lifetime!

As far as what type of container, I don’t use the small, impractical sized litter boxes available in stores. They are way too small (in my humble opinion) and I’ve never been able to use them successfully without messes all over the floor. I use large, rectangular plastic storage containers, four to five inches in height, and set the lids underneath them on the floor to catch any extra litter if it falls out while the cats bury their treasures. At one time I did try the containers with a cover, seemingly designed to give the cats privacy, but there’s very little room for the cats to move around, and they got filthy very easily.

My philosophy for the number of litter boxes you should have is this: Provide the minimum number you need to keep everyone happy! For me, that is mostly just one.

Three years ago, I adopted a 12-year- old blind cat, Lilli, that needed to be rehomed. My population was down to just two others, Pumpkin my fluffy orange male, and Fuji my calico and the Queen Bee. With my history of success with one box, I thought that would be more than adequate for three cats, so that’s what I prepared for with Lilli’s arrival, arranging the furniture so she would be able to easily find it, which she did.

She was very comfortable using it, but only for a few days. Fuji was not happy with the latest addition to the family, and let it be known. We had not introduced a new cat to the house in at least six years, and Fuji really didn’t want any more. She decided to assert her queenship, and started bullying Lilli, such that Lilli was afraid to use the box and started using my shower stall floor. I give her credit for at least doing her jobs in the bathroom.

Forced into submission to my 15-year- old calico, I succumbed to her rude behavior, added another box, and set it up in my already small bathroom. It really killed me to do this – out of sheer principle! For those 25 years, with eight to ten cats on an ongoing basis, and only one litter box most of the time, now I had only three cats and two litter boxes…I had failed…

After much diligence on my part in shifting the energy of the household (see my previous blog on “Emotional Leadership – Who’s really running your household?”) Fuji has now changed her attitude, and I am back down to one box, which thankfully rarely gets used in the warmer months when they go outside, and I get a break!

Otherwise, I just keep on scooping…

Have a great day!

Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Being an Animal Communicator

Emotional Leadership:

Who’s Really Running Your Household?

November 4, 2022

I’m embarrassed to say that up until a couple years ago, I’d have to admit that my answer to that question would be Fuji, my then 15-year- old calico cat.

Before I became an Animal Communicator, I had never even heard the term “Emotional Leadership,” and I had to see it play out before my very eyes before I had my big “aha” moment as a pet mom.

My cat population had dwindled down to a meager two: Pumpkin my 10-year-old fluffy, gold Walmart greeter who loved everyone, and Fuji, my snarky, opinionated, yet lovable matriarch. Fuji had welcomed at least eight other cats over the years – with no difficulty – until Lilli joined us.

Lilli entered the household at age 12, almost fully blind. I adopted her when I went to purchase bookshelves from a couple looking to re-home her when they sold their house, and would be living in temporary homes indefinitely. They were afraid Lilli wouldn’t be able to adjust to the constant upheaval because of her blindness.

I showed up on the scene to purchase the bookshelves just five days before the new owners would take possession of their house. They were in a desperate place with Lilli, frantically looking for a new family for her. Time was running out.

For the previous four months, I had a sense that it was time to bring another cat into the fold, but had no idea how to make that happen. In the past, my cats always found me!

Well, two days later I brought this beautiful, long-haired, muted tri-colored cat with a white muzzle and white paws home to join the family. Meanwhile I had done all the animal communication preparations I knew, in talking to each of the animals involved (Lilli, her two siblings, and my two cats) to let them know what was going to happen.

I had brought so many new cats into the house many times before, it didn’t even enter my mind that there would be a problem. I set up a bed for her, along with food, water, and a litter box in my basement bedroom, which included a small bathroom.

Pumpkin was welcoming, and became her new best friend. Fuji on the other hand, was apparently sick and tired of allowing any more cats in, so she began to bully Lilli, despite Lilli’s attempts to befriend her. She’d scare her whenever possible, usually by approaching her with hissing and swatting, forcing her to run for safety (not an easy job for a blind cat.)

The worst was being bullied while using the litter box. Lilli became scared to use the permanent common box in the utility room, and retreated to the “temporary” one I had set up in my bathroom. I became a prisoner in my own bathroom, having to navigate around that box for simple tasks like taking a shower.

I didn’t realize how captive I was to these cats until one day when Fuji made a rare appearance in my bedroom. Before Lilli arrived, she was a frequent visitor and often slept in the bed with me, but Lilli’s presence was upsetting to her. I had initially put Lilli in my room so she would have a safe place, until she was comfortable enough to explore the rest of the house. That seemed reasonable.

The following eye-opening incident happened about eight months into this adoption. I was in my basement bedroom with Lilli, and Fuji marched down the stairs over towards us. Could this be a breakthrough?

Au Contraire! She strutted by both Lilli and myself with her grandiose attitude and demeanor, pretending to go towards the bathroom to get some water. Instead, she positioned herself next to Lilli, hissed at her defiantly, turned and strutted away, purring as loudly as she could with a totally smug look on her face. I watched in horror. This cat is running my household.

While both sad and funny at the same time, I had to figure out a way to change the dynamics of my home and our relationships.

Were there other times when I allowed my cats to rule? 15 years earlier, when Fuji was a young cat and one of eight, I had a black and white male cat named Georgie that had been a stray and joined the family in 2002.

I marveled at how Georgie moved in and had such a way about him that despite the fact that he was not the oldest male, within a few years he became the King Cat. All the other cats respected him, everyone got along, and there were no behavior issues. 

After he died, there was no strong adult male cat to “take over the cat kingdom,” and I started noticing behavior problems like spraying. What’s going on here?

The other animals had felt secure with Georgie, but not with anybody else. I kept looking to see who was going to step up to the position and keep them in order, but nothing changed.

The incident between Fuji and Lilli, and my recollection of Georgie led to my “aha” moment regarding Emotional Leadership. I was supposed to be that one! I did not have the respect of my animals, and consequently they were running the show.

This is my summary of what I now understand Emotional Leadership to look like in my life: Each one of my animals knows that I’ve got their back! I had to make some changes to bring this about, and change the household dynamics.

Here are some of the things I did, and I believe are helpful to anyone needing to regain the leadership over their beloved pets. Please note: if you have a trainer, keep working with them, or you may need to get one, especially for dog parents.

(1)Visualizations: The goal is to shift the energy in the house! I drew pictures of what I wanted the household to look like, primarily with stick figures, as my artistic ability is limited. The intention behind it is vitally important. In my picture, I am larger than my animals, and I made a circle to connect each one to me. Then I sat with the picture, closed my eyes, and felt what that would be like. In my heart, I let each cat know that I had their back and that I was a place of safety for them. I did this daily – and still do – as part of my morning prayer and meditation practice.

(2)Being Fully Present to Them: This means to turn off the electronic devices when I’m with them one-on-one and they want my attention (unless we’re all watching TV together). They can feel it when I’m not present to them, like if I’m playing with my cell phone or talking to someone else. Another example would be when you’re playing with your dog or taking them for a walk. How many times do I see people on their phones at the park when they’re walking their dogs? Way too many…

(3) Just Be Together: Schedule specific time (even on the calendar if necessary) with each animal to play, or love on them! This might rejuvenate you, too.

(4)The Infinity Sign – Another energy shifting technique I did when Lilli and Fuji were really struggling, was to repeatedly draw the infinity sign (a sideways figure 8) in the air with my hand, directing it towards both of them, while I repeated the phrase: “The infinite potential of the greatest possibility of every cell.” I softened my face and smiled, essentially pouring love into both them and myself at the same time. 

So, I ask you again: Who is running your household? My answer now is: I AM!

If your answer is something different, I hope you’ll consider what changes you can make to improve your household dynamics and bring about more harmony, trust and respect. Your pets will feel safer, and your relationships with them will improve. I’m happy to say that Fuji and Lilli can now share the same space without hissing, swatting, or bullying. They even eat together, and I’m finally back to just one litter box!

Have a great day!

Kathy Boyer, The Pet Connector

Our Second Blog Entry

Healing after the Death of a Pet

April 28, 2022

I always refer to Big Boy as “My B.C.E.” (Best Cat Ever). Big Boy was my animal soul mate, and was 14 yrs old when he transitioned over 20 years ago. He was my first cat as an adult, a large, black and grey striped Tiger Cat, who slept on my head EVERY night, and nestled in my hair with a really big purr! When I would turn over in bed, he would turn over and face the other side with me.

Every time I left the house, I felt sadness and guilt, as I never wanted to be away from him. He was my protector and guard kitty, and we had a true heart connection.

We started out in VA Beach together, after my ex-husband and I adopted him from a friend. He was still a young cat, about 8-9 months old. He was allergic to his mother’s milk, so he had been bottle-fed, and bonded to humans as a young kitten. We moved to Japan together for 5 years, then to Georgia, and finally back to VA Beach.

After our last move to VA Beach, Big Boy developed cancer in the head area. This started affecting his vision and hearing. I was so attached to this cat, though, and was of the mindset that as long as he had the will to live, I would honor that. In reality, I just didn’t ever want to let him go. His condition continued to deteriorate, but I was determined to keep holding on to him. This was the cause of much of my guilt, as he was in pain, and I was oblivious.

The day before he died, I let him outside to be in the yard, which he loved. He slept outside in the sun for a long time, and then I brought him in. The next day, I noticed that he had “stopped purring,” and being responsive to me. I looked closer at his head, and some flies had laid eggs in there, and they had hatched. He was infested with maggots. I didn’t know what they were right away, but when we figured it out, I was mortified.

We took him to the emergency vet immediately and had him humanely euthanized. How could I have let this happen? I berated myself for 20 years at how selfish I was, and insensitive for not seeing the amount of pain he was in. I shut myself off emotionally towards other animals, although I took in many, many strays after that.

I am only just now starting to open up my heart to these beautiful animals that I currently have, thanks to the healing power of Tapping (EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique). Tapping has helped me work through the guilt, self- condemnation, self- hate, regret, selfishness, and sadness that I stuffed for 20 years.

I’m finally able to let go of this, and move on. I’m grateful to Big Boy for the love and gifts he gave to me, and for the healing I can now help bring to others through Tapping.

Oh, Nuts!

Is the Animal Kingdom trying to get your attention?

March 29, 2022

As a by-product of my path to becoming an Animal Communicator, I’ve found myself reconnecting with nature and experiencing a greater connection with the animal kingdom as a whole (to include mammals, birds, insects, reptiles, etc). Somewhere in the development of western culture, I believe we have lost that sense of connection and unity. My greatest insights and inspirations come to me while hiking on the Blue Ridge Parkway, or sitting along its overlooks, admiring beautiful mountains or glorious sunsets in front of me.

It had never occurred to me that the Animal Kingdom might be trying to get my attention, to impart words of encouragement or counsel. I have greatly expanded my experience of Animal Communication, from learning telepathy (the transference of words, pictures, and feelings) to listening to all of nature.

A friend of mine, also an Energy Healer, once told me about a meaningful book she referenced when she began to notice when various species of animals – particularly one type of bird – repeatedly appeared to her, sometimes in places they would ordinarily not be found.

It’s the Pocket Guide to a book called “Animal-Speak” by Ted Andrews. It provides simple keynote messages associated with over 290 animals, including birds, mammals, insects and arachnids, reptiles and sea life. It catches the essence of the various species, and what we can learn from them. It's the perfect size for me to have on hand when I want to reference an animal.

I began my own “experiments” of listening, and along the way, I’ve had so much fun doing this! I’m experiencing a sense of unity with all of life that I can barely describe, and I want to share my fun insights with all of you – as well as encourage you to conduct your own “experiments” with nature! I’ve found that the more I’m willing to listen, the more plentiful and enriching are my experiences.

It started with a squirrel. Just an ordinary squirrel playing in my front yard. I took a few extra moments to observe it, but didn’t think anything more about it until I went for a walk the next day at our local park (which has an abundant squirrel population.)

My mind was on so many things, as it often is, and I love to do the 1.3 -mile loop around the park with its beautiful huge poplar, maple, oak and other hardwood trees to clear my head and sort things out. This time, the topic of my overactive brain concerned my finances and what to do with a certain amount of money I had set aside. Should I invest it? Should I just keep it in my savings account? Should I re-do some of my other finances?

About 50 feet into my walk, I saw a squirrel to my right, on the grass facing me, standing perfectly still. Then literally about 6 ft further, there was another squirrel situated in the same position, facing me and again not moving. Following that, evenly spaced another 6 ft ahead, was  a THIRD squirrel – yes, in the same position as the other two, also stoic. What’s going on with these squirrels?

I completed my loop around the park, thinking about those squirrels (and every other squirrel I saw for the next 30 minutes!). It dawned on me that the spirit of the “squirrel species” might be trying to give me a message.

When I got home, I immediately opened the Animal-Speak book to find out what the squirrel might want to tell me. Here was the message: “Balance your work and play. Prepare for the future, but do not get lost in preparations. Find ways to gather and to gift.”

Prepare for the future, but do not get lost in preparations. I had just been thinking about my money, and as I read that message, it totally resonated with me. I also tend to “work a lot and play very little,” so when the first sentence said to balance your work and play, that was another BINGO for me!

This little pocket guide had caught my attention! Thus, my encounter with the squirrels is permanently affixed in my mind. I’ve also noticed that when I need that gentle reminder to balance work and play, the squirrels again grab my attention.

I have many more stories to share, and with each new discovery and encounter with various species, (bees, snakes, ants, butterflies, and cardinals to name a few) my awareness of humanity’s connection with all of life is ever expanding. The connection has always been there. I know that I personally need to continue restoring that connection. What an amazing universe!

My challenge to you: Keep an open mind when you notice an animal/bird/insect/reptile making its presence known to you - usually more than once. You might experience it as an extra heart moment, just enough to get your attention. At least that’s what happens most often with me, as sometimes I’m a slow learner!

If you have a story to share of a special encounter with another species, please share it with me at

Time to go eat some nuts, and put my work aside for the day…

Have a great one,

Kathy Boyer - The Pet Connector


909 Crestwood Drive, Staunton, VA 24401


 My Business Rates


 Animal Communication  $65

              ($30 more per additional animal, 3 per session max)


 Communication with an animal that has already passed $90


EFT Tapping and Scalar Wave Energy Healing Sessions - $65 each,

(Buy 1, Get 2nd one 40% off)


Combination Pkg:

  Animal Communication+ EFT Tapping + Scalar Wave

plus + 1 Free Session of Choice - $195


Energy & Space Clearing $75


Gift Certificates Available!

An Animal Communication Session makes the perfect gift for the animal lover in your life!


I accept online payments  through PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle

(a $3.00 fee will be added per session to cover expenses)


 It's not just Communication - it's all about healing!

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